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Ben Affleck habla sobre su ancestro que tenía esclavos

2015-04-22 - 18:25:16

Ben Affleck respondió a la controversia en la que se dice que pidió a los productores del programa Finding Your Roots de la cadena PBS, que eliminara del especial sobre sus ancestros información de un familiar que tenía esclavos.

El ganador del Oscar publicó a través de su cuenta de Facebook un texto en respuesta.

“Luego de una exhaustiva investigación sobre mis ancestros para [el programa] Finding Your Roots, fue descubierto que uno de mis familiares lejanos era dueño de esclavos”, explicó el actor.

“No quería que ningún programa de televisión sobre mi familia incluyera un hombre que tenía esclavos. Estaba avergonzado. Solo pensarlo dejó un mal sabor en mi boca”, citan los dos primeros párrafos del escrito compartido por Affleck.

"Traté de persuadir [al productor] de la misma forma que lo hago con los directores acerca de cuáles escenas pienso que deben usar. Es un proceso de colaboración”, agregó.

“Me arrepiento de mis primeros pensamientos de que el tema de esclavitud no fuera incluido en la historia. No merecemos crédito o ser juzgados por nuestros ancestros”, añadió el protagonista de la cinta Batman v Superman.

After an exhaustive search of my ancestry for "Finding Your Roots," it was discovered that o­ne of my distant relatives was an owner of slaves.

I didn't want any television show about my family to include a guy who owned slaves. I was embarrassed. The very thought left a bad taste in my mouth.

Skip decided what went into the show. I lobbied him the same way I lobby directors about what takes of mine I think they should use. This is the collaborative creative process. Skip agre...ed with me o­n the slave owner but made other choices I disagreed with. In the end, it's his show and I knew that going in. I'm proud to be his friend and proud to have participated.

It's important to remember that this isn't a news program. Finding Your Roots is a show where you voluntarily provide a great deal of information about your family, making you quite vulnerable. The assumption is that they will never be dishonest but they will respect your willingness to participate and not look to include things you think would embarrass your family.

I regret my initial thoughts that the issue of slavery not be included in the story. We deserve neither credit nor blame for our ancestors and the degree of interest in this story suggests that we are, as a nation, still grappling with the terrible legacy of slavery. It is an examination well worth continuing. I am glad that my story, however indirectly, will contribute to that discussion. While I don't like that the guy is an ancestor, I am happy that aspect of our country's history is being talked about.

Ben Affleck


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