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Muere famosa instagramer en terrible accidente: EE.UU.

05/04/2018 - 20:15:14
RT.- La popular "instagramer" motera estadounidense Annete Carrion falleci� el pasado s�bado en un tr�gico accidente automovil�stico en la carretera Ortega Highway, California (EE.UU.), seg�n medios locales.

Carrion, que ten�a 33 a�os y se hab�a convertido en una de las usuarias de Instagram m�s famosas de EE.UU., falleci� mientras conduc�a su motocicleta modelo 2015 Triumph a una velocidad de entre 70 y 80 kil�metros por hora.

La Patrulla de Carretera de California (CHP, por sus siglas en ingl�s) inform� de que debido a la velocidad a la que circulaba la motociclista por la carretera no pudo tomar bien una curva. Ello la hizo caer por un terrapl�n y salir propulsada de su veh�culo, pereciendo al instante. El accidente ocurri� a las diez y media de la ma�ana hora local.

Su �ltima publicaci�n la hizo el pasado viernes, solo unas horas antes de fallecer.

Something that has been on my mind lately is living within one�s means, and the image we portray online. I frequently get asked if I will upgrade my bike to the new 765 Street Triple, or a different newer model. I don�t believe in buying the next best thing if it will put you in debt you cannot afford to take on - I know personal finances are a touchy subject, but don�t believe everything you see on the �gram. Many will have you think they live a lavish lifestyle, when in reality, they are living paycheck to paycheck. Just know that what material possessions I have are what I�m comfortable spending money on - There are products I receive without charge, which makes it easier for me to afford my passion (motorcycles), but nothing in life is free. In exchange for these products, I write in-depth reviews and spend countless hours promoting them on my page. I will also only take on the responsibility if I truly believe in the product and use it. I have declined many paid offers to �advertise,� because I simply do not have any interest in the product - Social media can heighten so many insecurities in people. We see so many perfectly curated profiles that we start to think we need to emulate a certain �lifestyle,� but appearances are not always what they seem. Most of us only post our best moments, it�s only natural, and I�m guilty of it too. But we each have our own struggles and fears, so it�s best to always keep that in mind when looking at all the pretty photos . . . . . #bikekingz #bikequeens #motorcycle_mafia #motorcyclemafia #cyclelaw #bikewars #killswitchbikes #motorcycles #sportbikelifestyle #bikergirlsofinstagram #bikerbabes #bikerchicks #Ladiesthatride #bikelife #shiftlife #girlswhoride #bikefam #instamotogallery #bikersofinstagram #ridingsexy #girlsbiker #universalbikers #sportbikeaddicts #sportbikelife #eatsleepshift 📷 @jmyjamstyle

Una publicaci�n compartida de Annette Carrion (@annettecarrion) el

Tras conocerse la terrible noticia, los seguidores de Carrion expresaron sus condolencias a trav�s de comentarios en su cuenta de Instagram, que cuenta con m�s de 8.000 seguidores.

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